lunedì 9 giugno 2008

[Pill: "why going away? in order to get back later. in order to see again the place of their origins with new eyes and new colours. and, as well, because people will see you with new eyes. getting back in the place of our beginning is not like not having gone away at all" "perché andarsene? per poi tornare. per poi rivedere il luogo delle proprie origini con occhi nuovi e nuovi colori. e anche perché la gente ti vedrà con occhi diversi. tornare nel luogo del nostro principio non è come non essere mai partiti" from Un cappello pieno di stelle - A Hat Full Of Sky, by Terry Pratchett (2004, UK)]
[Pill: "Emily hated to think of her physical aspect. Mostly, she considered her body as a sort of shell and she used to look through eyes holes without thinking of it that much" "Emily detestava pensare al proprio aspetto fisico. Perlopiù considerava il suo corpo come una sorta di guscio e guardava fuori dai fori degli occhi senza pensarci più di tanto" from La moglie dell'attore - Morgan's Passing, by Anne Tyler (1980, USA)]
[Last read book: Nemiche del cuore - The Other Side Of The Story, by Marian Keyes (2004, Ireland) - Here's the story of Gemma, living in Dublin, whose father (temporarily) leaves her mother for a younger woman and whose ex boyfriend Anton has now a love story with Lily, one of Gemmma's (ex) closest friends. Here's the story of Lily, who just fell for Anton despite her loyalty to Gemma and who can write good books (apparentely] only in bad circumstances. And here's the story of Jojo, the amazing sexy big brilliant Publishing agent who, despite everything, can't help being successful. Brilliant aand so ironic.]
[Pill: "-I always accept invitations- she explained. -It's a challenge, never refusing-" "-Io accetto sempre gli inviti- gli spiegò. -E' una sfida, mai rifiutare-" from Ragazza in un giardino - The Clock Winder, by Anne Tyler (1972, USA)]
[Music playing: Ed Sheeran]
[Last read book: Baci da Malibu - Angels, by Marian Keyes (2002, Ireland) - Maggie's married to Garv: they go back a long way and used to be happy. But something changed and we'll find out step by step what. They split up and Maggie moves from Dublin to Los Angeles, to her best friend Emily: there, she experiences an out of mind time ...but in the end everything finds its place. Brilliant style and deep.]